Y5 - Mrs McGhee & Mrs Shimmin: Gallery

So far in Year 5!, by Miss Eastwood

KS2 Sports Day, by Miss Stupples

Summer 1 Learning in Year 5, by Miss Eastwood

Georgia O'Keeffe in Year 5, by Miss Eastwood

Year 5 Trip To Crucial Crew, by Miss Eastwood

Cooking in Year 5, by Miss Eastwood

Aspiration Team Treat, by Mrs Harrison

Shakespeare in Year 5, by Miss Eastwood

Red Nose Day in Year 5, by Miss Eastwood

Y5 Fashion Designers, by Miss Eastwood

Year 5's Trip to Liverpool, by Miss Eastwood

Poetry in Y5, by Miss Eastwood

Super Science Assembly, by Mrs Sumner

Year 5 have got the blues!, by Miss Eastwood

Colour Mixing in Year 5, by Miss Eastwood

Year 5 Maths - Volume, by Miss Eastwood

Remembrance, by Mrs O'Connor

Come plant with me!, by Mrs Shimmin

Building Bridges, by Miss Eastwood

Northway Community Primary School
Dodds Lane,
Merseyside L31 9AA
Main Contact: Mrs C Booth
SEN Contact: Mrs L Sumner