Bentley 2.bmp

Bentley is our school dog. He is a King Charles spaniel and he has been a school dog since he was 9 weeks old. He comes to school every day and loves working with the children and staff. As a King Charles spaniel, he is ideally suited to being around children due to the breed’s gentle and friendly nature. Mrs McKenzie is fully responsible for Bentley but he will visit classes around the school and be on the playgrounds at playtimes and lunch.


There are many benefits to having a school dog some of which include:

  • a calming effect on pupils;
  • improved behaviour and concentration, reduced stress and improved self-esteem;
  • encouraging expression, participation and confidence for all children;
  • fostering a sense of responsibility;
  • motivating pupils to think and to learn;
  • encouraging respect and thereby improving pupils’ relationships with all;
  • teaching children to nurture and respect life;
  • helping work undertaken with the most vulnerable children; 
  • helping children build confidence in reading;
  • improving attendance;
  • further promote our well-being agenda for pupils.


Bentley’s main place of residence is in Mrs McKenzie’s office. Whilst moving around school, he is always with an adult. He spends time during the day visiting classrooms, listening to children read and exercising on the playgrounds and field with the children.

Keep an eye on the class pages to see Bentley’s latest adventures!

Northway Community Primary School
Dodds Lane,
Merseyside L31 9AA
Main Contact: Mrs C Booth
SEN Contact: Mrs L Sumner