Geography is valued and promoted at Northway because the subject’s concepts are a vital part in becoming a positive and contributing citizen.
“Geography is an empowering subject….The relationships that define the subject are so fundamental, they are life-giving to not only the Geography curriculum, but to other subjects as well.” Iain Freeland HMI; Primary Geography, Number 104; 2021.
Geography is organised over a two-year cycle to meet the needs of our mixed age classes. We follow the National Curriculum and lessons are planned so they engage all learners and prior learning is built upon. Carefully spaced retrieval questions are asked over time to ensure pupils are able to remember knowledge taught. Skills are revisited across the two-year cycle to give pupils the opportunity to practice and build on them. As well as lessons, learning about Geography is enhanced by the organisation of trips and visitors.
At Northway, we aim to:
- inspire the pupils to engage with the environment they live in - gaining an understanding of scale,
- ensure that pupils develop their locational and place knowledge – identifying place and space,
- identify aspects of human and physical geography and know how they are related – interdependence,
- understand the formation and use of landscapes – including environmental impact and sustainable development,
- broaden pupils’ cultural awareness and understanding of cultural diversity,
- develop their geographical skills and fieldwork at their level,
- use a range of resources in order to do this including maps, atlases, globes and digital/computer mapping.
In the Foundation Stage our children are introduced to Geography during activities linked to Understanding the World. Their first experience of Geography develops as children take notice of everything around them and finding out about places begins when children learn about their local environments including the school grounds and their journey to school. Their natural interest in maps is encouraged through use of visual resources and links between places are clearly displayed.
Throughout key stage 1, pupils develop knowledge about their locality, the United Kingdom and specific places around the world. They are taught to use simple fieldwork and observational skills to study the geography of our school and the grounds and the key human and physical features of the surrounding environment. Key knowledge about the world’s continents, oceans and climates is learnt and regularly recapped. By the end of the key stage pupils have experience of asking geographical questions and are supported with finding answers using a variety of sources such as maps, atlases and images.
In key stage 2 pupils study the human and physical geography of European and worldwide locations to make comparisons and to understand current environmental issues. By the end of the key stage pupils have experience of asking and responding to geographical questions and can access appropriate sources of information including digital mapping. Furthermore, they can express their opinions and recognise that others may think differently.