Northway’s Design and Technology curriculum enables pupils to develop and apply practical, creative skills to create meaningful and authentic projects. Whilst following the National Curriculum, we aim to ensure that we prepare our children to become independent and resourceful problem solvers by giving pupils the freedom to design products that solve real world problems in response to human needs. Throughout the Design and Technology curriculum, pupils will draw on disciplines such as mathematics, science, engineering and art, and understand the need for innovation in an increasing complex technological world.
To ensure that Design and Technology is taught in all year groups, we alternate the subject with Art each half term. Units are taught on a 2-year, alternating cycle. Lessons are adapted to meet the needs of our mixed age classes, building on prior knowledge and developing technical skills. Due to the importance of cooking in everyday life, children are taught one Cooking and Nutrition unit each year, which aims to develop an understanding of not only the importance of a healthy diet, but our responsibilty to make sustainable, economical and ethical choices.
In the Early Years Foundation Stage, our children will explore a variety of materials and their sensory properties. They will begin to use simple joining and finishing techniques. As part of their work with food, children will gain a basic understanding of a healthy and varied diet. They will also learn about essential hygiene skills needed when cooking.
Throughout Key Stage One pupils will learn through a variety of creative and practical activities. Pupils will explore existing products and learn how to design for their chosen consumer and purpose. Pupils will learn basic reinforcement, joining and finishing techniques for a range of materials and use mechnaisms in their products, such as axels, levers and sliders. In their cooking units, pupils will begin to use the basic principles of a healthy and varied diet to prepare dishes as well as understanding where their food comes from. They will have the opportunity to chop soft fruits and vegetables, as well as segment and peel with their hands to arrange an appealing meal.
During Key Stage Two, pupils will continue to develop creative, technical and practical skills to make usuable products. Throughout Design and Technology, children will be able to develop and apply their varied knowledge, understanding and skills to design and make prototypes, models and finished products. They will understand how to evaluate their work and the work of others to suggest what works well and what could be done differently next time. Children will aim to work to a high quality finish that is appropriate for their age and ability. As part of their work with food, pupils will be able to explore and develop recipes. They will learn to prepare and cook a variety of savoury dishes using a range of techniques, such as dicing, peeling, boiling and roasting. Pupils will gain an understanding of seasonality, and know where and how a variety of ingredients are grown, reared, caught and processed. They will begin to understand food miles and the nutritional benefits of home cooked food to enable them to make conscious choices at home and in later life.