Times Table Rockstars is a tool that we subscribe to in order that the children can practise their times table fluency and recall, as well as the associated division facts. Automaticity of the recall of the facts to 12 x 12 is beneficial to children when it comes to formal written multiplication and division methods, as well as problem solving and other areas of Maths such as fractions.
TTR tailors itself to the needs of your child, and will adapt automatically to ensure that your child is both challenged and supported in their practice. The clever code behind the scenes works out which times tables facts each pupil is consistently taking longer to answer and then it gradually starts to present these facts more frequently until pupils have mastered them. It will also ask related division questions 20% of the time in order to reinforce division facts. We ask that parents do not play on behalf of their children or tell them the answer, as this will distort the algorithm that presents the level of challenge for the children. There are different types of games within TTR where children can practise alone, just for fun, or they can compete in three different ways: against themselves, against others within their class or school; or even against anyone else playing on TTR at that moment! Children are given a 'Rock Name' so they are completely anonymous. There is no feature to chat or contact others.
Children will receive a log in for TTR in Year 2, as this is the year when children are expected to be able to begin to recall multiplication facts. It is used in school during early morning activities to help practise recall of the facts, as well as to consolidate learning during lessons. However, TTR is mainly a tool that we use to support home learning. We expect children to use TTR regularly and reward children for their effort during our weekly Celebration Assembly. We also set up 'TTR Battles' between classes and also other schools, in order to promote engagement and enjoyment. To access TTR, click on the logo above and your child's log in details will be in their reading record! Any problems, contact your child's class teacher!
Enjoy and Rock On!
School postcode: L31 9AA (needed on log in).