Regular school attendance is an important part of giving your child the best possible start in life. Going to school regularly is important for your child's future. For example, children who miss school frequently can fall behind with their work and do less well academically, not necessarily reaching their full potential. It can also impact on children's social and emotional connections with their peers by missing time off. Research suggests that children who attend school regularly could also be at less risk of getting involved in antisocial behaviour or crime.
We reward all of our children who show good attendance or improved rates of attendance. We aim for all of our children to have above 96% attendance.
We celebrate good attendance with rewards for indviduals and classes.
Government legislation means that Headteachers are no longer able to authorise absence unless in exceptional circumstances. Families who take unauthorised absence from school could face fixed penalty fines from the local authority. For more information - see the information letter below.
We understand the occasional need for pupils to attend medical appointments. We do request that parents make every effort to arrange these appointment out of school hours. On these rare occasions when appointments must be made in school time, with the proof of an appointment card/letter, the Headteacher will authorise these absences.
Our school attendance is good and we want to make sure that all of our pupils leave valuing the importance of attendance as it crucial for their success in later life.
We expect all of our children to be on time for school. This ensures a calm start to the day and maximises the learning opportunities for your child.
The Infant and Junior doors open for school at 8:40am and all registers are taken at 8.45am. The school gates close at 8.50am, after this time children receive a late mark. Learning starts as soon as the children walk into the classroom! As soon as the children come into school there are tasks for them to complete and they work to improve their basic skills from the first moment of the day. If your child misses this valuable time each day, this could mean your child is missing up to 1 hour and 15 mins of learning per week. Please help to get your child into school on time for quarter to nine every day!