Ofsted judged that Northway continues to be a good school.
We are delighted to share the final report for our recent Ofsted inspection. It has arrived much sooner than expected which I am grateful for, so I can now officially share how proud we are following the inspection.
It was an ungraded inspection which means the inspector was here to consider whether Northway continues to be a GOOD school (as stated in our last inspection in February 2018). The outcome of the report is a huge credit to our children. We are proud of them every day and it was fabulous to feel their enthusiasm and positivity as they all wanted to share with the inspector how happy and safe they feel at Northway. The term ‘GOOD’ can never describe everything that goes on in school – we are so much more than that! Every day I have the privilege to see the care, compassion and hard work the staff show to ensure all children are nurtured and able to achieve their full potential. A huge thank-you to them for their unrivalled dedication.
The reports generated from ungraded inspections are always short, so it makes for wonderful reading that the inspector, in only two days at the school, recognised that, “Everybody is welcome at Northway.” Aside from safeguarding, the main focus of the inspection is to review the curriculum on offer at the school and the inspector judged it to be “ambitious and well thought out”. We know our children achieve well and have a broad and balanced offer, but we are so pleased that this has been recognised externally.
We are a very forward-thinking school and will never sit back so of course we look to continue to improve. The inspection has to highlight what a school needs to do better, and you will see from the wording that the targets are not significant issues. ‘On occasion’ is used to demonstrate this. These minor tweaks have already been addressed. Always onwards and upwards!
Finally, you may remember that following the inspection I shared with you how amazed the inspector was with the overwhelming response to the parent surveys and with the incredible support shown from you all. I just wanted to thank you again for this. We know working together achieves the very best for your children and we will continue to ensure that “Pupils thrive in this happy and encouraging school that is at the heart of the community.”
Kate McKenzie