Admissions to Reception
Here at Northway Primary School we follow the Admissions Procedure and Policies set out by Sefton Council. Children are admitted in accordance with the Local Authority's policy for a single admission date. Any child reaching the age of 5 between 1st September and 31st August may be admitted full time to school on the first day of the autumn term in September after they have turned 4 years of age. Parents must apply online to Sefton Admission's Office by their stated deadline date. Information on admissions to primary school is usually available from the local authority from the September prior to the child's entry to primary school. Allocation of places will be made by the Local Authority shortly afterwards. Those refused a place due to over subscription are informed of the situation, alternative schools and their right to appeal. Sefton local authority will inform you directly as to which school your child has been allocated a place at. This is usually in April. The actual date can be found in guidance links below.
Admission forms are available from the Admissions Team in Sefton.
Contact details for Admissions Team
Tele: 0151 934 3590.
Policies- School Admissions Policy and Reports (
Transition to Reception
Once you have received offical notifcation from Sefton Council of your child's place at Northway, you will receive a letter directly from school inviting you to a welcome meeting with the Head teacher and staff in which information will be shared around arrangements for your child's start at school. This meeting will also give you the opportunity to have a look around the reception classrooms and outdoor areas, meet your child's class teacher and ask us any questions you may have. During this meeting, we will share information around uniform, lunches and the day to day routines we have in reception.
To support the transition into reception, your child will be invited to one of our taster sessions. This is a time for your child to visit the setting and meet their teachers and teaching assistants in small groups. It gives them a flavour of what is to come ahead of starting school. Reception children do have a short staggered start to school, in which they will attend for shorter days for several days and have lunch with us, building up to full days by the end of the first week. More information about this will be shared at the welcome meeting.
Our partnership with you as a family starts as soon as your child is given a place at Northway. We work together to ensure the best possible outcomes for your child. In order for us to get to know your child as quickly as possible, our reception teachers will visit your child in their current setting, whether that be our nursery or a private setting. Phone consultations with privste practioners may take place, when visits are not able to be arranged with the private setting. This is the very start of the relationship building process. If your child has special educational needs, an enhanced transition may be needed. This will be arranged with us directly.
In Year Admissions
Parents seeking places for children in older groups are welcome to look around the school. They are also required to apply for a place through the Local Authority’s admissions application form. The local authority will then decide if a place can be offered ‘in year’ This information can be obtained from the Sefton School Admissions team. In the first instance, the headteacher is happy to advise parents of the availability of places.
Nursery Admissions
Northway Nursery has 52 part time places. There are two options that parents can choose from, each providing 15 hours provision:
Stars Class: Mon & Tues 9.00 – 3.00pm, Wed 8:50am -11:50am
End of week: Wed 12.30- 3.30pm, Thurs, Fri 9.00 – 3.00pm,
Parents considering sending their child to our Nursery should complete an application form which can be downloaded from the Policies section of the website or please obtain a paper copy from the school office. Children are admitted in the term after their third birthday, if the number of applicants exceeds the number of spaces, places will be allocated by the criteria set out in our Nursery Admissions Policy which can be found in the Policies section of our website.
Nursery Transition Arrangements
To support your child's transition into nursery, the teachers arrange several transiton activities. These range from home visits, stay and play sessions and graduated entry sessions in which children build up to their full time hours as appropriate. If your child has special educational needs, an enhanced transition may be needed. This will be arranged with us directly.
Secondary School Admissions
Admissions to secondary school are handled by the Sefton Admissions Team. In the September of your child's last year at Primary School, parents who live within Sefton, will receive an individual letter containing a unique identifier number (UIN) for parents to use when applying online for their child's place. Information booklets about this process will also be issued at this time.
If you live in Sefton and want to apply for a place at a school in another Local Authority, you must still apply to Sefton for that place.
If you live outside Sefton and want to apply for a Sefton School, you must apply to your own Local Authority Admissions team for that place.
Transition to Secondary School
Places at secondary schools are allocated by 1st March each year. You will receive an email directly from the local authority detailing where your child has been given a place. In the summer term, your child's class teacher will meet with staff from your child's secondary school to transfer information about your child's wellbeing and progress. This ensures that the new school has the most accurate and up to date information to best support your child as they move into Y7. Additionally to this, your child will be invited to attend a Transition Day at their secondary school. This information will usually come directly to you from their new school and most secondary schools hold a parent meeting to share all of the information regarding new routines and expectations. In addition to this, the teachers at Northway have a range of transition activities planned for your child to allow them to explore their feelings about the move and to give them some support strategies that they can use as they move on to this next exciting step. More information about this can be obtained from the class teachers. If your child has a special educational need, and may benefit from an enhanced transition, we will work with your child's new school to arrange this.