Super Scientific Investigating In Year 2
Lesson: Science
Class: Y1/2 - Mr Wright Year: 2021 - 2022
In our Science lesson this week we learnt all about the importance of keeping good hygiene by washing regularly. We discussed the meaning of the word hygienic before carrying out an investigation which looked at how we should wash our hands. We discussed how germs are so small that we are unable to see them without using a microsope so we used glitter, pretending that the tiny pieces of glitter were germs. We spoke about how the pieces of glitter are much bigger than germs but this would be good for our investigation because it would allow us to see them and imagine how germs spread.
The question we investigated was 'Which is the best way to clean our hands?' We wrote down some predictions about what we thought would happen before trying to wash the glitter off our hands in three different ways:
· using a paper towel
· using cold water
· using hot water and soap
We then wrote down our findings and discussed how we need to wash our hands to make sure that germs do not spread. What a super scientific investigation!