Stone Age Day

Lesson: History

Class: Y3/4 - Miss Harwood Year: 2020 - 2021

Come with us on a journey through time and space!

Today we travelled back tens and even hundreds of thousands of years ago to the Stone Age. In the morning we learnt about the demise of Neanderthal and the beginning of Stone Age man. We found out what they hunted, how they hunted... and even had a go at hunting ourselves. Later on we studied cave paintings, interpreted their meaning and created some versions of our own. Finally in the afternoon, we were in awe of Stonehenge; we paid it the respect it deserves in the only way we could - with biscuits. Please enjoy the pictures below.

Northway Community Primary School
Dodds Lane,
Merseyside L31 9AA
Main Contact: Mrs C Booth
SEN Contact: Mrs L Sumner