Plants and Animals in EYFS with an unexpected visitor!
Class: Reception - Mrs Sumner Year: 2021 - 2022
We have been learning all about planet Earth and how we should care for our environment. Today, we learnt about plants and trees and how they change and grow. We enjoyed creating tree rubbings with crayons. We also talked about the seasons and what changes might occur. What signs of summer can you see outside?
We have also been learning about animals and the changes they might go through. We have our very own caterpillars in school at the moment and we are watching each day to see how they have changed. We are very excited!
When exploring our garden area, we have also found many woodlice, slugs and snails recently! We also saw a toad but it was too quick for us to capture a photo!
We also had an unexpected visitor, Biscuit the ferret, who appeared in our garden this morning! We took great care of her until she was reunited with her owner.