Architecture workshop

Lesson: Design and technology

Class: Y5/6 - Mrs Reardon Year: 2016 - 2017

On Friday, the Upper Juniors all took part in an architecture workshop which was lots of fun. Working together as a team, using only wooden sticks and elastic bands, they created an enormous model of a Ferris Wheel that was almost as high as the roof in the hall! During the workshop, the children looked at how structures can be made from different shapes and how this affects the strength of the structure – they found that structures made from triangles were the strongest. We will be creating our own structures in our D&T project later this term using the information we learnt in the workshop. Have a look at some of the pictures we took.  

Northway Community Primary School
Dodds Lane,
Merseyside L31 9AA
Main Contact: Mrs C Booth
SEN Contact: Mrs L Sumner