Anti-bullying Week 2018
Lesson: PSHE and citizenship
Class: Y2 - Mrs O'Connor Year: 2018 - 2019
This week we have been celebrating Anti-bullying Week and the theme this year has been 'Choose Respect'. We have been discussing different ways we can respect ourselves, our bodies, our minds and others. Linked to this, we have designed and painted pebbles with key words which we will display around our school grounds. Some examples of words and phrases we came up with were: unique, all equal, kind, caring, manners, no bullying, support and friendship. Whilst we were doing this actiivity, we discussed how we were showing respect to one another in this lesson and examples from throughout the week.
Thank you to all parents who sent in a pebble to make this possible and a special thanks to those parents who sent in many pebbles to share with our class!