Our Gallery

Meteorites in Reception!, by Mrs Sumner

Maths Day, by Miss Stupples

Maths Day In Year 2, by Mr Wright

Maths Day, by Miss Veney

Math's day in Year One, by Miss Veney

Maths Themed Orienteering, by Mrs Reardon

Year 5 Trip To Crucial Crew, by Miss Eastwood

Cooking in Year 5, by Miss Eastwood

Cooking in Y3, by Mrs Shimmin

Learning time in Year One, by Miss Veney

Playtime in the Juniors!, by Miss Stupples

Getting Ready for Year 3!, by Miss Stupples

Science in Year One, by Miss Veney

Reception Farm Visit, by Mrs Sumner

Music, by Miss Stupples

EYFS FARM VISIT, by Mrs Crellin

Music in Year One, by Miss Veney

Queen's Jubilee, by Mrs Reardon

The Platinum Jubilee!, by Miss Stupples

Jubilee Celebrations, by Mrs Crellin

Northway Community Primary School
Dodds Lane,
Merseyside L31 9AA
Main Contact: Mrs C Booth
SEN Contact: Mrs L Sumner